Friday, December 30, 2016

巴黎十年来最严重空气污染 车辆 -- 免费搭乘公共交通工具。

Channel 8 News: "法国巴黎遭遇十年来最严重的空气污染,市区的空气质量指数达到150点以上,属于危险水平。警方宣布延长车辆限行措施,并持续开放免费搭乘公共交通工具。"

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hangzhou, China, 310,000 bikeshares per day, 1st hour free

CCTV America: "Hangzhou also has a public bike system that’s admired all around the country. There are thousands of service stations around the city, many of which are in close proximity to bus and subway stations, as well as popular attractions.

“Every day, we provide an average of 310,000 bike rides, 96 percent are for free,” said Wu Guoxiong, deputy general manager at Hangzhou Public Bicycle Company. “In Hangzhou, you can borrow a public bicycle free of charge if you return it in one hour.”"

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Walk anywhere in in ChengDu in 15 minutes?

Business Insider: "Chicago-based architects Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill designed a new residential area for the Chinese city. The layout makes it easier to walk than drive, with streets designed so that people can walk anywhere in 15 minutes.

While Chengdu won't completely ban cars, only half the roads in the 80,000-person city will allow vehicles. The firm originally planned to make this happen by 2020, but zoning issues are delaying the deadline.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Pro-car terrorists come up with new weapon to keep people out of the way

TreeHugger: "We all laughed when we first saw the vision of the straddling bus in 2010, and then again in 2013, thinking it silly vaporware. Why would anyone build such a thing?"

photo: Xinhua

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Nature's fury unleashed on China, but humans still pursue development

Al Jazeera English: "Heavy rain in China has killed at least 154 people and forced tens of thousands from their homes, according to state media."
The predictions of disaster are here now. Global warming is trashing human development. What is our reaction? Increase car sales. Time to change direction.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Capitalism getting desperate to save unsustainable private-auto system

As cities grow it becomes more obvious that the private auto system doesn't work. The solution is obvious. Get rid of cars. But capitalism needs the car to keep sprawl and growth going. So they are turning to video game thinking to come up with more ways to keep growth going.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


华声在线3月23日讯 (记者 黄煌): "环保车循环运营,便利游客换乘



Tuesday, March 22, 2016


(6)_网易新闻中心: "韶山市副市长刘科:我们充分考虑了景区居民的出行,将开通景区环保通勤车,为本地居民和韶山学校学生提供免费公共交通服务。环保通勤车停靠点根据居民居住出行情况设置,与景区外公交车实现无缝对接,韶山市居民凭本人身份证、工作证、学生证等有效证件一证一人免费乘坐,无证者需按环保旅游车票价收费。"

Sunday, January 31, 2016


搜狐滚动: "疏散人流密集区域已经在进行之中,相关部门应该将如何提高人们乘坐公共交通工具出行的意识放在首位。在张久民看来,提供更多的免费交通工具不失为一剂良方。"

Monday, January 25, 2016

Major boost for public transport

Shanghai Daily: "The city will improve public transportation this year by increasing bus service on one of the busiest roads in the city’s downtown area and building more Metro lines, said Shanghai Mayor Yang Xiong yesterday.

As part of an effort to make Shanghai a “City of Public Transport,” construction will start this year on the medium-capacity project (traffic system with hourly capacity of 15,000 passengers) along Yan’an Road, Yang told the local legislative body in his annual report."

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Chinese Cities Most at Risk from Rising Sea Levels

ChinaFile: "“Roughly a quarter of the world’s people who live on land at risk from 4C warming are living in China. That is more that twice as many as who live on vulnerable land in Europe and the U.S. combined,” said Climate Central’s lead scientist, Benjamin Strauss.

“The Shanghai region by itself has more than 20 million people living on land that could be lost,” he added."

Saturday, January 16, 2016

China - 17 million more cars added to roads in 2014. Externalities: 7.5% of GDP.

The total social cost of Beijing’s dependence on motorised transport, including congestion and air pollution, is estimated at 7.5–15.0% of GDP. China added 17 million new cars in 2014
alone. In the United States, work by the New Climate Economy (NCE) demonstrates that urban sprawl costs over US$1 trillion per annum, including US$400 billion in costs to the public purse and more than US$600 billion in costs related to private vehicle use.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


山西频道: "人民网潞城1月7日电 2015年12月26日,山西长治市潞城利达公司开通免费公交,此举标志着潞城市市区步入了公共交通免费时代,潞城市民从此将享受到便捷免费公共交通服务。



'via Blog this'

Sunday, January 3, 2016

米兰也闹雾霾 圣诞节后全面禁车 "滴雨不降,雾霾“闹心”。尽管米兰市政府为了治理空气污染,出台了1.5欧元单程票可全天无限次使用的措施,其使上周六旅客人次上升11%,但污染指数仍高居不下。正因此,米兰市政府交通事务负责人马兰称“当局或考虑在下周采取市内全面禁车的措施”。下周米兰将进入假日模式,生活节奏也将变缓,但马兰指出,“今后两周天气情况仍未好转”。如届时必须出台禁车措施,那么“措施范围必须十分广泛,这样才能起到效果”。"