Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hong Kong shows how buses are a transition from cars to trams

SCMP Pictures
Joint study proposes vehicle-ban for cleaner air on Des Voeux Road Central | South China Morning Post: "Busy Des Voeux Road Central in the heart of Hong Kong's business district should be transformed into a bus-free zone so that pedestrians and office workers can breathe cleaner air, the Institute of Planners has suggested to the government."

Thursday, April 24, 2014

潍坊65岁以上老人免费坐公交 28万老年人获益

--潍坊--人民网: "在市政府今年承诺的25件民生实事中,关于改善群众生活方面,全市65周岁以上老年人免费乘坐公交车列上日程表。4月22日,记者从市老龄办获悉,自今年7月1日开始,65周岁以上老年人免费乘坐公交车将变为现实。根据相关规定,凡持有潍坊市市辖区常住户口或由市公安部门核发《居住证》的65周岁以上(含)老年人,均可办理老年免费公交卡,免费的线路是潍坊市公交总公司所属的所有公交线路(租赁线路除外)。"

Saturday, April 19, 2014

為何說中國已具備免費公共交通可能 - 馬慶雲 - 馬慶雲 - 和訊博客

為何說中國已具備免費公共交通可能 - 馬慶雲 - 馬慶雲 - 和訊博客: "針對城市日漸嚴重的交通堵塞與環境汙染問題,公共交通一直被稱作綠色出行方式,也是政府建議民眾出行的首選方式。反觀北京地鐵,在霧控京畿的情況下,本應該發揮自己的綠色主導優勢,降價才對,相反,它們卻做起提價的事情來。令人不可思議。針對北京、石家莊兩地發生的這兩起事件,筆者難免想到一個問題,中國是否已經具備了實現免費公共交通的可能性了呢?答案是肯定的,容我仔細說來。


Monday, April 14, 2014

China oil leak poisons water for millions

Oil companies throw caution to the wind to keep costs down.

Peak Oil News and Message Boards: "The scare, which has affected more than 2.4 million people in the northwestern city of Lanzhou, has once again raised concerns over safety of China’s oil pipes.

Last year, a ruptured oil pipeline resulted in explosions in the eastern city of Qingdao, killing 62 people."

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Candidate for governor in Korea calls for #freetransit

All Aboard the Election Express - Korea Real Time - WSJ: "On March 31, Gyeonggi gubernatorial candidate Kim Sang-gon unveiled as a core campaign pledge a commuter-bus program he calls “Morning Spent While Seated.” which aims to ensure commuters all get seats on buses.

It would add hundreds of buses between Seoul and its satellite cities, and ultimately make the service free of charge."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Using Public Transportation Can Be a Good Work-out

Be Korea-savvy: "If one commutes using mass transportation for five days in a week, 4,120 kcal more energy is burned each month, adding up to 49,440 kcal more consumed each year. Such an amount is equivalent to about a 6.42-kg (14.15-pound) weight loss considering that 1 kg of fat can be lost for every 7,700 kcal."

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Heilongjiang Province to invest USD 200 million in bus upgrade

World Bank: "The project will improve pavement conditions, install bus stops, and provide heated indoor bus waiting facilities. It will also procure buses that use clean fuel and are accessible for disabled people, construct passenger hubs, terminal, bus depots, and facilities for maintenance, safety education and training of bus drivers. The project will deploy Intelligent Transport Solutions and other information technology to improve the efficiency and management of bus operations. "

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Public transport a hot topic in Korean election

Campaign pledges on transport: "“About 60 percent of the total of 9.6 million in the economically active population has a hard time commuting to Seoul,” said Kim Sang-kon, former superintendent of the Gyeonggi Province, who is running as a candidate of the New Politics Alliance for Democracy (NPAD). “A new governor should come up with effective solutions to resolve this.”"